Saturday, July 16, 2005

Don't try to be British!

>> Don't try to choose -- if you try to choose you will be in difficulty.>
Every choice is going to create a division in you, a kind of split in you.>
Why choose? When you can have both, why have one?
And it is a very natural> process.
It is just like when you are hungry you eat, and when you arefull> you stop eating.
You don't start saying, "What should I choose?
Should I> always remain hungry or should I eat continuously?"
When you are hungry,> eat, and when you are full, stop eating and forget all about it;
there are> a thousand and one other things to do.
There is no need to go on a fast,> and there is no need to go on stuffing yourself continuously; both are> pathological states.>>
The same is true about love and aloneness. Enjoy people because they are> manifestations of God, but remember the other side is also there.
So when> you start feeling fed up there is no need to remain with people just outof> politeness. Don't try to be British -- be authentic!
It is very difficult> not to be British, because we have always been told to be polite,
to have> certain manners, to follow a certain etiquette.
Even if you are bored you> go on smiling.
Even if you don't feel good with somebody you say,
"It is a> blessing to meet you," and you are cursing them.>>
Why do you go on creating such strange splits in yourself?
It is time --> man has come of age -- it is time to be authentic.
When you are feeling> good with somebody, say so and say it totally, and when you are notfeeling> good, then you can just say,
"Excuse me...." I am not saying to be rude,> but there is no need to suffer the presence of the other. Just say, "I> would like to be alone, I would like my own space."
-- from Come, Come, Yet Again Come


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