"Osho stole my heart"
Laura says= ".... that was what my college degree was in although at Texas University i did mostly sculpturing and pottery- graduating Magna Cum Laude- big deal!!! i couldn't even get a job afterward - instead i work as a newspaper reporter, salesclerk in a discount store and worked on the shrimp-boats off of the Texas coast- and then i got a job working for the Texas Highway Dept. setting out traffic counters all over the state.. It was a great job and allow me a lot of freedom to paint meditate etc. in fact it was a stroke of luck that i was able to find Osho. But in Houston i was taking some yoga classes down off of Westimer blvd. and there was a bookstore close to the yoga center and the lady who was running the store - kind of like me and she mentioned one of Osho's books and said that i should buy it and since i was starting to practice meditation i bought it mostly just to please her ( woman have so much control over us guys!) i bought two books and took them with me on my vacation down to Ecuador South America- in search i was for an enlightened being- the guy turned out to be a big egoist. Anyway the next year off to India and Osho stole my heart- 27 years ago now- the love affair continues. ...